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Virtualization is Quickly Gaining Momentum. What are the Benefits for Business?

Enterprise virtualization has many advantages including lower costs, easier backup and disaster recovery and a superior testing environment. It also makes migration to the cloud simpler.

Virtualization can be Simple, Secure, Flexible and Cost-Efficient


Server Virtualization

Reduce your data center costs and equipment by consolidating workloads using fewer servers and virtual machines (VMs). Run multiple operating systems and unique applications.


Uptime and Efficiency

Virtualized servers also reduce the impact of unexpected downtime. Moving a virtual machine can be done very quickly compared to a complete migration of an entire server.


Application Virtualization

When it comes to managing the software for an enterprise, Application Virtualization is perhaps the most impactful on IT resources. Rapid software deployment. Multiple versions of the same software, instant application updates, rollback features for user error correction, no more conflicts between applications or OS crashes due to one application failure.


Network Virtualization

Improve security and increase flexibility. They seem like they should be at odds, but they aren’t. Software-based networks enable organizations to do more, from virtually anywhere on the planet. Meet customers where they are, on their devices when it’s convenient for them.  Integrate a far-flung workforce more intimately and efficiently.


Security Virtualization

With other sectors of IT moving to virtual environments, Security must stay current as companies move through various stages of their digital transformations. In fact, at FutureNET, Security Virtualization is driving the adoption of more comprehensive virtualization if IT systems and tools. In short, with your “perimeter” moving and changing, you need security that can protect you in the cloud.