Mobility and Mobile Workforce Solutions
FutureNET provides clients with the necessary information to assist them with their mobile initiatives. We can deliver, set-up, configure, support and manage devices across your complete enterprise. With our mobile solutions you benefit from a proactive approach to managing your mobile network, access and data. Our mobility solutions provide access to real-time reports, custom reports, device tracking, applications, corporate policy compliance, browsing protection, device enrollment and audits.
Mobile Device Management (MDM) – Key Advantages
Stay Connected — Safely and Securely
Mobile devices are critical for employees for out-of-office connections, keeping a touch with customers and communicating with your corporate office. This type of mobile access present a number of challenges for large organizations. Device procurement, deployment, usage analysis, support, data protection end-to-end device lifecycle support, Data backup and file sharing through subscription-based as-a-service model and cost reduction provide constant hurdles in a rapidly evolving mobile landscape.
Mobile Device Management (MDM)
Plans and Policies keep things secure, stable and up-to-date. They are essential when it comes to your Backups and Disaster Recovery Plans — which include a wide range of mobile devices. FutureNET provides both onsite and offsite (cloud-based) backup solutions and software update strategies to ensure your mobile devices are safe and secure.
Mobile Strategies for Better Business
Mobile devices are used by businesses of all sizes, but with FutureNET, you can use mobile to gain a competitive advantage —Remotely access your data. Keep in touch with the main office and use GPS to track business assets. Bringing this technology together to make it work seamlessly requires an in-depth understanding of the mobile role: strategy, security, purchasing, configuration, deployment and device management (on-boarding and exiting of employee devices).
Easy Setup, Access and Enrollment
Stop paying for short-term solutions and chronic issues that are never fully resolved. Get your problems properly identified and solved the first time. We work with owners, executives and IT Managers to determine what’s right for you.
Device Security Policy & Protection
Wipe data clean from lost or replaced devices. Reduce the risk of data loss. Devices can be configured for a broad range of controls including password requirements, encryption, wireless access, VPNs and more.